Meghan and Harry – wishing won’t make it so

Meghan and Harry – wishing won’t make it so

The continuing fascination and embarrassment surrounding the Meghan-Harry roadshow continues with a dud polo Netflix series streaming and disappearing, various splotches of critical media comment and no sign of the upmarket jam jamboree landing soon.

 While I would love to wish them happy ever after, all the indications are that after a hugely stressful four years of tr Pluto square their composite Saturn Pluto and opposition the composite Moon, they are heading into a dip in 2025. Tr Neptune will be opposition the composite Mars Venus into 2026 which will feel like failure and that is followed in 2026 by a major disruption from tr Uranus square the composite Sun and opposition composite Uranus.

 The wedding chart is also being ground down with tr Pluto conjunct the Mars and square Uranus running on from 2023 to late 2025. Plus a jolting, destabilizing tr Uranus conjunct the Sun in 2025 (which was coincidentally conjunct the destructive star Algol).

 On Sun/Moon midpoints which are the marriage significator. Meghan’s at 8 degrees Virgo had a separating tr Saturn in opposition in early 2024 as they started to appear solo at various events.  Harry’s Sun/Moon midpoint won’t pick up similar until 2027.

 Tr Saturn Neptune in Aries from mid 2025 onwards won’t suit Meghan’s Moon, Saturn, Jupiter since they will oppose those planets, undermine her confidence and pose questions about her domestic life amongst others. 2027 to 2029 look difficult years for her.

  Harry looks lost in terms of direction in 2027 but gradually thereafter he is heading into a more visible and hands-on phase of his life as tr Saturn moves slowly towards the end of his low profile First Quadrant which started at the time of his wedding.

  His relationship to his late mother Princess Diana is omnipresent and may be a key to his marriage. Diana’s Cancer Sun fell conjunct his Descendant (as does Meghan’s Mars in Cancer) – key to his sense of partnership. Diana’s Venus in Taurus was conjunct his Taurus Moon for an affectionate bond and Meghan’s Chiron is conjunct his Moon –  so there will be a healing connection on both sides.

 Harry’s Chiron falls in his 5th house of children, which is possibly where he seeks a balm.

 Harry’s relationship chart with his mother was affectionate and idealistic with a Grand Trine of Venus trine Moon trine Neptune, and a possessive Moon opposition Pluto. A much stronger bond in many ways than between William and his mother which has worked to Will’s advantage in freeing him up to settle into a different style of marriage.

 Diana’s can-be-destructive Mars Pluto and wilful Uranus both fell in Harry’s 8th house for a deep and disturbing bond.

 Meghan and Diana would undoubtedly have clashed with Meghan’s Mars conjunct Diana’s Sun for a competitive interface.  

 Two thoughts – Meghan is broadly similar to Diana, since both in their own way were drama queens (and both came from broken homes). Both were/are quite destructive in their need for vengeance.

  The second is a personal Virgo beef. How can they be so impractical when it comes to setting up projects? Employing endless expensive help who leave regularly and they keep ending up in a muddle over what appear to be basic details, permissions, copyright etc and either not completing or ignoring marketing advice to end up with vacuous nonsense. Diana at least put in the legwork to build a platform for the global image she later established. Meghan seemed to want the end result without the slog.    

The post Meghan and Harry – wishing won’t make it so first appeared on Astroinform with Marjorie Orr – Star4cast.


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