Total Lunar Eclipse on March 14 at 24 degrees Virgo – the Pisces Sun will conjunct Saturn and Neptune opposing the Sun so the mood will be of uncertainty, with a need for determined effort in the face of difficulties or danger with Mars trine Sun and Saturn.
Partial Solar Eclipse on 29 March at 9 degrees Aries in Saros Series 9 New North. This Saros series is, according to Bernadette Brady, physically expressive so requires effort and may accompany accidents or violent events. The advice is to undertake physical activity but with caution. Around before in 2007, 1989, 1971, 1953, 1935, 1917. The Aries New Moon will sextile Pluto on one side and Jupiter on the other for a smidgeon of confidence and cheer. Though the hard-edged Saturn trine Mars is still in place with Uranus midway between which won’t be too settled.
Total Lunar Eclipse on September 2 at 15 degrees Pisces for the first time will have Uranus in Gemini trine Pluto and sextile Neptune Saturn so evocative of the new era. The Full Moon in Pisces is trine Jupiter for a hint of luck with Jupiter in turn square Mars for impulsive action.
Partial Solar Eclipse 21 September 29 degrees Virgo in 9 New South Saros series. This Saros series brings to the surface long term worries whether over loved ones, health or to do with paperwork. ‘Any news will have a sense of destiny or fatedness about it.’ Before in 2007, 1989, 1971, 1953, 1935, 1917.
The final degree Virgo New Moon will trine Pluto and trine Uranus, forming a kite in the opposition to Saturn and Neptune, making a powerful statement so momentous events will happen on its watch. The Saturn Neptune are inconjunct Mars for disagreements and maybe conflicts.
The eclipses will keep pace with the changing of the celestial guard so it will be a year to stay alert and be flexible. Last year’s October 2nd Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra will still be in effect until March – it heralded a time of endings and closure or completion. And the 26 degree Pisces Lunar eclipse also of last September will linger on as well.
The post Eclipses 2025 – changing of the celestial guard first appeared on Astroinform with Marjorie Orr – Star4cast.