Greenland – mineral-rich and a security outpost

Greenland – mineral-rich and a security outpost

 Shudders of disbelief are running through western capitals at Trump’s alpha-chimp chest-beating display in pursuit of Greenland, Panama and – why not? – Canada. The farcical theatrics appear to be driven by Trump’s (not unreasonable) concern about holding back Chinese encroachment.

Background: ‘China craves its rare earth minerals needed for microchips and sonar systems. It imagines the world’s biggest island becoming part of its Polar Silk Road, a crucial stopover for its vessels as they exploit the melting Arctic ice to boost trade between Asia and the West. In US hands, the minerals and seaboard of the world’s biggest island would strengthen the West.’

 President Harry Truman considered buying Greenland after the Second World War as a way of cutting off a potential Soviet attack. The purchase never went ahead but American bases were set up. Since Trump won the election, China has conducted its largest naval exercises in decades, launched the world’s biggest amphibious warship, been accused of sabotaging undersea cables in Asia and Europe and hacking the US Treasury, unveiled four new advanced aircraft, rehearsed a naval blockade near Japanese islands for the first time and intensified espionage activity in the West. The point? To help Beijing negotiate with Trump from a position of strength.

Greenland has a population of 56,000 with New York 4 hours way by plane; and could hold an independence referendum this year about splitting away from Denmark, which if it happened would give the island more power to determine its foreign policy which could include a closer relationship with the US. Though Trump’s wild talk of not denying he might use military force is not helpful – and would I suspect run into internal brakes being applied by appalled Republicans.

  China is also the worry behind the Panama Canal. “The Panama Canal was built for our military,” Trump said. “Look, the Panama Canal is vital to our country. It’s being operated by China. China! And we gave the Panama Canal to Panama, we didn’t give it to China.”

  The Greenland 1 May 1979 chart is upbeat through this year though moving through a critical phase of questioning its self-image. Its relationship with Denmark is facing a bumpy ride with a potential split in May 2025 and January to mid March 2026 as tr Uranus is conjunct the composite Sun. Relationships between Trump and Greenland will move into an all-systems-change gear from May onwards as tr Uranus is conjunct the composite Mercury, then Sun and into 2026/27 conjunct the Venus and square the Uranus.  There will be definite changes afoot.

 Trump’s relationship with Denmark will be high-tension with arguments erupting from mid 2025 onwards with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Saturn. And even before then will be discouraging and argumentative.

  Trump’s actions and policies will send ripples of unease through the EU as well with tr Neptune Saturn conjunct the composite Sun from May 2025 onwards with muddles and mayhem for several years thereafter.

  There will be continuing pressure on the Trump/Panama relationship chart throughout 2025 and 2026, with outbursts, stand offs and disappointment.

 Relocating Trump’s chart to Beijing, puts his bombastic, flamboyant Mars in the 7th house of partners and enemies with Pluto conjunct the Descendant from the 6th so no surprises it arouses his competitive, aggressive instincts.  Plus there is a Pluto, Sun, Saturn, Mars composite conjunction pointing to an inherent dislike though with no indication that it could ever be resolved. The composite Neptune will catch the Libra/Aries Solar Eclipses extending through 2025 which suggest confusion and indecision.

 The whole furore is not quite as ludicrous as it sounds on the face of it – and much water will flow under the bridge in the coming three or four years, so it won’t all disappear in a puff of smoke as a figment of Trump’s delusional fantasy.  

The post Greenland – mineral-rich and a security outpost first appeared on Astroinform with Marjorie Orr – Star4cast.


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