Manmohan Singh – a soft-spoken revolutionary

Manmohan Singh – a soft-spoken revolutionary

Manmohan Singh whose economic reforms from the 1990s onwards unleashed an economic boom in India and propelled it to a world power has died aged 92. Starting as finance minister in 1991, he took up the reins when India was close to defaulting on its external debt, had only two weeks of foreign currency reserves left and inflation was well into double figures. He put an end to four decades of socialism, isolationism and stagnation and started by quoting Victor Hugo: “No power on Earth can stop an idea whose time has come.”

 When he started his reforms tr Pluto in Scorpio was conjunct the India 6th house Jupiter giving the country an almighty push.

 Despite his mild manner and his first love for academia, he was a born revolutionary with a focal point Uranus on a tough-minded Cardinal T square. He was born 26 September 1932 2pm Jhelum, Pakistan (net sources) and had a Libra Sun close to Mercury in his knowledgeable 9th house. He has a strong 8th house (of finances) with Moon Venus in Leo and the economic Neptune Jupiter in Virgo there.

 His Saturn in Capricorn was opposition the India Cancer Moon and was conjunct the Reserve Bank of India North Node giving him the drive to impose his bold market reforms on India’s commercial life. Having retreated to academia in 1996 after his initial stint as finance minister he was persuaded out again in 2004 to become prime minister and stayed in situ for ten years.  

That early 1930s generation bred in times of hardship with a driving need to change the status quo certainly left their mark.   His 9th harmonic was hard-driving and notable – often connected with money and humanitarian ideals.  His global- influencer 22H was also exceptionally well aspected.

The post Manmohan Singh – a soft-spoken revolutionary first appeared on Astroinform with Marjorie Orr – Star4cast.


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